IGY Malaga Marina



2025 15 February
2025 16 February
  • 36.7144522 N
  • -4.417765 W
  • Paseo de la Farola, S/N
    29016 Málaga
  • Monday–Sunday 9AM-6PM
  • Contact us for important dates


Download map (PDF)

  • 31 Superyacht Slips
    Max Length: 180m (590')
    Minimum Length: 20m
    Max Draft: 9m
  •  Power currently supplied at 800amps. ‘Coming Soon’ power up to 2000amps.
  • ‘Coming Soon’ 24hr Security and Surveillance | ISPS Compliant


  • On-Site Dining & Shopping
  • Office Facility
  • Fiber Optic Internet
  • City Centre Location
  • Nearby Beaches
  • Gym, Tennis, Leisure


  • Grey & Blackwater Pump-Out*
  • Laundry Concierge Services
  • Transportation Arrangements
  • Waste Collection*
  • Full Vessel Concierge
  • Recycling*

*Available Upon Request

Directory & Local Businesses

Contact Information

Police Department


Fire / Emergency





We are very excited to welcome you to our marina located in Málaga, Spain. This beautiful city that boasts 320 days of sunshine a year offers relaxing beaches, incredible golf courses, boutique shopping and quaint cafes.

IGY Málaga Marina is a dedicated superyacht marina that boasts 33 berths for superyachts between 20 and 180 meters. IGY Marinas is partnering with Ocean Capital Partners and the Port Authority of Málaga as the development of IGY Málaga Marina continues to add many of the amenities and services that you have come to expect from an IGY Marina.

Warm smiles await your arrival. Our friendly staff is ready to assist, whether you’re staying with us for an extended vacation or simply passing through for your Mediterranean charter. If there is anything that we can do to make your stay perfect, please let us know.


The Málaga Marina Team

Arrival Information Details

Advanced reservations are strongly recommended at IGY Málaga Marina.  Berthing is not guaranteed without a confirmed reservation.  We ask that you provide advanced notice, when feasible, of your approximate arrival time so we can be fully prepared for your arrival and minimize any inconvenience to you.

Please Note: Captains and his/her assignee must check-in/check-out with the marina office for each stay unless otherwise arranged with marina management.

Check-Out: 1:00 pm Check-In: 2:00 pm


When feasible, we request an estimated time of arrival 24hr in advance so we can be fully prepared for your arrival and minimize any inconvenience.

Upon arrival, contact the marina office on VHF Channel 9 to obtain directions to the slip assignment. A skilled dock attendant will report to the slip to assist with docking, line handling, and connections. Once comfortably settled, we ask that you visit our marina office to check-in. The staff will answer any questions you have.


Upon departure, we request you contact the marina office 1-2 hours prior to departure to ensure all items are in order.  A receipt can be provided at the marina office or emailed upon request to the email address provided at the time of check-in.  If all items are in order, please hail the marina office on VHF Channel 9 if you would like assistance with disconnection and lines.

Early Check-in / Late Check-out

If a slip is occupied after 2:00 pm on the day of your scheduled departure, an additional night’s dockage will be charged to your account.

We will do our absolute best to accommodate your requests whenever possible.  In most cases, if your slip is available prior to 2:00 pm on the day of your arrival, or after 1:00 pm on the day of your departure, we will allow you to remain in the slip at no additional charge.  Prior arrangements must be made with the marina office for early arrival or delayed departure in order to avoid unnecessary charges.

Temporary Slips

In the event an early check-in and/or late check-out is unable to be accommodated in your currently slip, we will try to accommodate by making another slip available until such time your slip is available or you are ready to depart the marina.

In the event a temporary slip is made available to you, and you do not relocate the vessel, the marina reserves the right to charge you two times (2x’s) the original daily rate for each night you occupy the temporary slip.

This is necessary as at times, the marina operates at full occupancy and failure to relocate the vessel could negatively affect other guests.

Cancellation Policy

Please note: Cancellation policies are subject to change. Please refer to your reservation confirmation or contact the marina office direct for confirmation of cancellation policy. Cancellation requests must be submitted directly to the marina. Any cancellation requests received through the IGY Marinas website are not considered proper cancellation.

Customs & Immigration Information

  • Please note: We do our best to ensure this information is up-to-date, however, this is strictly for informational purposes only. We recommend reviewing the Customs and Immigration site for the destination requirements.


Boats from other EU countries need only to clear in if arriving from outside the EU. In practice, however, the authorities expect to be informed of one’s arrival even if coming from a neighbouring EU country.

In the case of non-EU boats, the captain should proceed ashore and clear Customs (Aduana) and Immigration at a port of entry. Normally officials then come to inspect the boat. Special care must be taken when filling in a marina or shipyard’s entry forms as these will be sent off to the Border Police Office and revised. Therefore, if you come from an EU port, make sure this is stated. The same applies if you come from a non-EU port.


Non-EU boats should clear with Immigration and Customs on departure from Spain. Customs will record the date of departure on the Customs permit if you have one. This permit can be used again if re-entering Spain within the period of its validity. Each arrival and departure must be noted by Customs on the permit.


  • At least one member of the crew should have a VHF radio operators certificate.
  • Watch out for Light Dues, charged at many ports for a minimum of 30 days, which can make short stays very expensive.
  • NOTE that the Spanish maritime ensign, which should be flown as a courtesy flag, differs from the Spanish national flag in that it does not have the crown in the centre.

Yachts must carry on board:

  • The original yacht registration certificate
  • All passports Proof of 3rd party insurance – in Spanish. You can probably get the appropriate certificate free of charge from your insurance provider.
  • A VHF operators license. One member of the crew must have a radio operator’s certificate of competence.
  • For EU boats, proof of VAT status is also required.
  • Although a Certificate of Competence (ICC) is not required, many Spanish Harbour Masters believe it is, so it is advisable to have one. For information on the ICC see the Noonsite European Union page.

Safety Equipment Requirements

All vessels cruising Spanish waters should have the following safety equipment on-board:

  • Functional life-vests for all passengers
  • Parachute, orange, and para-rocket flares
  • Bell and/or Whistle
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Flashlight
  • VHF Radio
  • First-aid Kit
  • Anchors
  • Tools

Málaga Airport – Costa del Sol (AGP)
     Address: Av. del Comandante García Morato, s/n, 29004, Málaga, Spain
     Phone: +1 902-404-704
Website: http://www.aena.es/
     Email: [email protected]

  • This international airport houses more than 50 airlines

Quality and Environment Policy

The Management of IGY MÁLAGA MARINA with the aim of satisfying customer requirements and offering them a higher quality in the provision of its services, has implemented and maintains a Quality and Environmental Management System, based on the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 standards for the activities of:

▪ Berth management for large vessels, supply of water and electricity to them and provision of associated services.

The following Quality and Environment affects all departments of IGY MÁLAGA MARINA and provides a reference framework for the establishment of quality and environmental objectives.

This policy is based on the following commitments:

1. Commitment to comply with all the requirements of the Quality and Environmental Management System according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards and to continuously advance in the efficiency of its operation.
2. Commitment to efficiently control all processes and their possible effects on the Quality of our service, with emphasis on:

a. Quality of our products and services.
b. Relations with our clients.
c. Analysis of the context of the organisation. Consider actions to address risks and opportunities.
d. Commitment to environmental protection, pollution prevention. Environmental impact and sustainability.

3. Commitment to comply with all requirements, whether legal, contractual or otherwise, that are applicable to us due to our activity, in such a way that our actions in no case may contravene the legal requirements and specifications established by the different public administrations.

4. Commitment to carry out our work within an environment that guarantees continuous improvement in our processes, in our methods of action and in our relationships with interested parties, as well as an improvement in our environmental impact.

5. Commitment to promote an understanding and dissemination of our Quality and Environmental Policy through training and continuous communication with our employees and any interested party that requires it.

6. Compliance with the requirements of our customers: a close and personal relationship with our clients is our way of knowing all their needs is order to satisfy them accordingly.

7. Compliance with a rigorous purchasing control ensuring a portfolio of products and services of the highest quality and in accordance with environmental protection.

Managing partner Málaga, 02/01/2023


  • Service Andalucia Salud (SAS)   +34 952-224-900
  • Salvament Maritime   +34-900-202-202
  • Quiron     +34 951-940-000
  • Vithas     +34 952-121-100
  • Farmacia Mata     +34 952-21-1915
  • Pharmacy Caffarena  +34 952-21-2858



  • Sabadell     +34 952-64-0173
  • BBVA     +34 952-21-2010
  • Santander      +34 952-22-6500



  • Correos Calle Sta. Lucia     +34 902-19-7197
  • Carreos Calle Pelayo      +34 952-30-8714
  • DHL      +34 902-12-3030
  • Fed Ex      +34 902-10-0871

IGY Málaga Marina Rules

To make your stay with us more enjoyable, the following set of guidelines should be followed. These are merely suggested rules of etiquette and regulations to make the Marina and its facilities more enjoyable for all customers.

    1. Do not leave garbage on the docks or common areas to be picked up.  Garbage should be bagged and tied and then properly placed in designated receptacles, or be placed in the garbage truck, not loosely scattered or abandoned.
    2. Oils and fuels should be disposed of properly and not in Marina trash cans.  Please ask for assistance when disposing of oils, fuels, or chemicals. Your concern for the environment helps.
    3. Try not to introduce any effluents into the Marina lagoon.  Use holding tanks if possible.
    4. Do not attempt to turn on your own water and electricity. Please have a dock attendant provide the service.  Using pliers or screwdrivers will damage the equipment and you will be charged.  It is suggested that you read meters (if applicable) along with our dock attendant to ensure accuracy.
    5. Anyone caught taking water from another yacht’s tap shall be responsible for the entire water cost of the metered yacht. Please use your own water.
    6. Keep power cords and water hoses in a neat and orderly fashion so that no one will trip in the dark or while carrying objects.
    7. Please wash sails on lawn areas where water outlets and drying spaces are available, or do it aboard your yacht.
    8. When marking anchor chains with paint, use paper or cardboard beneath your chain to keep wet paint off the docks and other customers’ shoes.
    9. When cleaning dinghies, make sure you rinse debris and growth off of the docks when finished.
    10. Lock the vessel when leaving it unattended.
    11. Lock your dinghies and outboard at night.
    12. Try to keep excessive noise down after 10:00 pm.
    13. Do not utilize power sanders or grinders while completing minor vessel repairs.
    14. Barbecue and cooking on the docks is prohibited.  Barbecue and cooking should be done on board in suitable equipment and self contained.  Any other way is dangerous and frowned upon.  Kindly clean up after yourself when finished. Charcoal ash and debris are not to be disposed of into the lagoon.
    15. If bright deck lights or spot lights are to be used at night, avoid pointing them at nearby boats, especially down or into their cabins.
    16. Pets need to be kept on a leash or in an acceptable carrying case. Please be sure to clean up after your pets. Owners will be responsible for any damages caused by unattended pets.

    Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.


Every visit to Málaga offers a new amazing and unique adventure including diverse beaches, intriguing museums, delicious tapas with a beautiful backdrop.


Málaga's convenient location boasts amazing dining, shopping, festivals, museums and historical charm that will make you want to extend your stay.

Annual Events

During the year there are so many opportunities to attend music and art events or watch beautiful parades.

Local Attractions

Málaga is rich in history and alluring sites that your can encounter throughout this amazing port city.

IGY Marinas values your feedback. Please fill out a survey to share your experience.